Soups, Salads, Sides & Appetizer
- Bohnensuppe (Navy bean soup)
- Gebratener Blumenkohl mit Kick (Spicy shallow fried cauliflower)
- Grüner Salat mit Kartoffeln (Green salad with potatoes)
- Grüner Bohnensalat (Green bean salad)
- Gurkensoße (Cucumber soup)
- Hühnersuppe (Chicken Noodle soup)
- Kartoffelbrei (Mashed Potatoes)
- Kartoffelsalat mit dunklem Öl (Potato salad with pumpkin seed oil)
- Kartoffelsuppe (Potato soup)
- Kichererbsen Salat (Chickpea salad)
- Knoblauch Toast (Savory garlic french toast)
- Linsensuppe süss-sauer (Lentil soup sweet-sour)
- Marinierte Zucchini (Marinated zucchini antipasti)
- Rindfleischsuppe (Beef based veggie soup)
- Tomaten Salat (Tomato salad)
- Zwiebelkartoffeln (Onion potatoes)
Main Dishes
- Bauernfrühstück (Farmer's breakfast)
- Ćevapčići (Balkan meatballs)
- Cous Cous
- Eierkuchen (German style pancakes/ crepes)
- Erbsoße mit Kartoffelbrei (Pea gulash with mashed potatoes)
- Grühnkohl (slow cooked kale with cured sausage and oven roasted potatoes)
- Kartoffelpuffer (Potato pancakes)
- Kohlrouladen (Stuffed cabbage rolls)
- Kohlsoße (Cabbage sauce with sausages over mashed potatoes)
- Minuten Steak mit Ofenkartoffeln (Spicy fillet with small oven roasted potatoes)
- Nudelauflauf (Pasta casserole)
- Paniertes Schnitzel (Pan-fried breaded pork loin cutlets)
- Paprika-Hack-Makkaroni Pfanne (Bell pepper, ground beef and macaroni pan)
- Paprika-Hähnchen Reispfanne (Chicken, bell pepper & rice)
- Rinder-Rouladen (Stuffed beef rolls)
- Sahnehähnchen (Roasted chicken with homemade gravy)
- Schaschlik (Shashlik/ shish kebab)
- Sonntagsbraten (Sunday pot roast)
- Spaghetti Bolognese
- Gebratener Blumenkohl mit Kick (Spicy shallow fried cauliflower)
- Spinat in Knoblauch-Tomaten Tunke (Spinach in garlic-tomato sauce)
- Zwiebelkartoffeln (Onion potatoes with fish sticks)
- Apfelkuchen (Apple cake)
- Cranberry Compote
- Eierkuchen (German style pancakes/ crepes)
- Hefeküchle (Little yeast cakes)
- Waffeln (German style waffles)
- Schüttel-Kuchen (Shaking cake with vanilla creme and mandarines)
Coming soon:
My Mom's
- "Risi Bisi Reis" - white rice with peas
- "Panierte Aubergine" - fried eggplant
- "Bohnen mit Paniermehl" - broad beans with breadcrump-butter sauce
- "Ungarisches Gulasch" - Hungarian goulash
- "Zucchini Schiffchen" - stuffed zucchini
- "Kartoffelbrei mit Zwiebeln" - mashed potatoes with sautéed onions
- "Leberkäse"
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