Rainbow Fruit Cups

Ever wondered how to make a fruit salad look pretty? Well, fruits are so delicious and exoctic that it actually is not a big challenge. However, for my work colleague's baby shower I thought to try something special. I googled "fruit salad + baby shower" and found this really cute idea:

Rainbow Fruit cups


  • Nice cups (I actually bought plastic wine cups from the dollar store and they worked perfectly)
  • Rainbow colored fruits
  • Whipped cream
  • Cookie sticks (or as my Mom suggested, these little cute cocktail umbrellas if you can find them)
I used the following fruit, however, all those fruits can be exchanged for fruits of the same color:
Red strawberries, Orange tangerines, Yellow pineapple, Green kiwi, Blue blueberries


Just cut the fruit in slices and layer them up in the cup in the order of the rainbow colors:


1 comment:

  1. My rainbow crab is one of my favorite fish ive ever owned its fun to watch because he likes to chase his own reflectoin and he got along with all my fish fine.


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