Prague - A Culinary Explosion

A while back we had a nice little trip to Prague. It was kind of an annual thing, we planned a trip around the time of my friend's birthday. We  had already been in Florida, Seattle and Paris for his birthday, and in Berlin and Poland for his girlfriend's birthday. This year it was supposed to be Prague. Easy to reach, not too expensive, with a nice history and lots of nice food options :)

We did explore all the tourist attractions which did not take much time as most of them are in walking distance and we lived very central at the old town square. However, the highlights were our food and beverage experiences!

Quick summary of the sights:

  • We lived in Old Town near the Old Town Square with its Astronomical Clock and had nice dinners at the Town Square, Hard Rock Cafe and, of course, the Hooters ;)
  • We walked through the Jewish Town up to the Letna Gardens with the big Pendulum (Metronom). 
  • We walked across the Charles Bridge to the Lesser Town and up the funicular railway to the Petrin Hill with its mini Eiffel Tower and a Mirror Maze (not just fun for the little girl in our company).
  • We went to the Prague Castle with the Strahov Monastery were we had some nice freshly brewed beer.
  • I had read about the Wallenstein Gardens, a not so commen tourist place in the Lesser Town district, a little hidden, with free roaming peacocks and lots of statues. I thought that would be fun for my friends' little girl. One of the peacocks was completely white. And there was a manmade mystery cave wall at the back.
  • We also explored New Town, having some nice fancy cocktails at a the BeBob Hotel Bar and typical Czech desserts (apple strudle and plum filled dampfnudeln).

Around in Prague

And here a list of a few special Czech dishes

... and we ate them all... almost... some actually more than once ;)
  • Beef gulash with dumblings (my favorite!) - also available as a gulash soup
  • Roasted Pork Knuckle ("Schweinshaxe")
  • Duck Leg Confit
  • (Smoked) Pork Rips
  • Smoked sausages from food carts
  • Pickled Cheese (even though we did not find the right one until we left... next time) 
  • Supper Platter with pickled gherkins and ham 
  • Apple Strudel
  • Dampfnudel (filled with plum and topped with poppy seeds)
  • The Trdelnik Chimney also known as the "Ice Cream Donut Cone" (be advised, this is so special that a separate entry will follow!)

    Just a few samples of our appetizers/salads

    My favorite - The beer gulash at the Strahov Monastary

    Just two of the famous desserts (Dampfnudel and Apple Strudel). The Trdlnik Chimney was another one.

    Street Food

    And a quick look at our beverage selection... check out the BeBob Bar for more...

    Restaurants to be recommended 

    (my friend's fantastic memory was needed to put together this list):
    • Strahov Monastary Brewery - This was one of my favorite places. The beer gulash was just amazing and freshly brewed beer in such a nice environment... I will follow up on this with another separate entry. It just deserves it! 
    • Medieval Tavern - Well, the name says it all. Here, it wasn't so much the food but the environment that impressed. So much, that again, I will follow up with a separate entry :)
    • Pivovar Narodni - A restaurant in New Town, right of the Legion Bridge (most legii), on the main street Narodni. It seemed a nondescript place, another brewery, we actually first kept walking by to see whether we can find something else. However, I am happy that we returned. They had a delicious beef gulash soup with a nice multigrain bread bowl. Also, the "Dampfnudel", which is a yeast dumbling filled with a plum filling and topped with poppy seeds was spot on as a dessert! My friend ordered an appetizer of pickled speck sausage that came in a jar and it was really nice as well. Unexpectedly delicious :) 
    • Joy Burger - Here, I was totally blown away by - wait for it - a salad!!! After eating all the gulashes, I craved something lighter. But picky as I am, I was not satisfied with another soup or a simple salad. This place offered a nice Marinated Beet Root Salad with Gratinated Goat Cheese on Rucola. I tried it and I have to say, I did not expect that kind of fancy salad in such a burger place... By the way, the burgers that my friends ordered were not so bad either ;)

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